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Live 360 Takeaways

I attended the Live 360 conference last week.  Here are my main takeaways . A Tour of Visual Studio Some of this I knew already.  Many of the less important keyboard shortcuts are omitted. ReSharper .  There is a ton of stuff that Visual Studio does now for refactoring.  Long story short however, R# still does more.  I'm really productive with it.  No reason to throw it out just yet. I use Resharper key bindings, so some of the shortcut keys he used are different for me! You can assign key bindings. Press Esc  to get rid of the Splash Screen. CTRL-Q .   Search for features.  (Try "bookmark") Better yet, it shows the keyboard shortcuts. No more hunting for windows. Workflow tip.  Try unpinning docked windows to see more code! There are a myriad of ways to customize VS: Settings roam with you via a login. Can export settings. You can have multiple start up projects: Solution > Properties SHIT-F10 is conte...

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