
Hi.  Welcome to my blog.  This blog is for random thoughts about software development.  If I run into a problem and figure out a fix... I'll post it!  Hopefully it will help others solve similar problems.  I'll also post about software development patterns and some of my own ideas.

The name.  I named this blog, "Less is More" because of a lot of software development principles that point to reduction;  DRY: Don't repeat yourself;  Don't make duplicate code;  Separate your concerns, don't reinvent the wheel; etc.  It is my belief that less code is more maintainable... by definition.  If you have less code, you have less to maintain.  Code maintenance accounts for the lion's share of work in the life cycle of most software applications.  A good developer should use all methods at their disposal to write minimal, maintainable code.  I'll write more on this later.  Have a great day!


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